Sunday, May 4, 2014

Granola Bars

Homemade Granola Bars

Hey guys!
Well it's been quite awhile since I have posted something new. Life has been pretty busy lately but I promise I will try to keep you guys updated  on new and exciting recipes to try. I recently just got the honor of watching my husband graduate from navy boot camp. There are lots of upcoming changes in our lives and new and exciting adventures! 
Anyways, this week I am featuring Granola bars! My husband wanted me to make him something with oatmeal, granola bars were the first thing to come to mind!

What you will need:

Old fashion oats
Brown sugar
Vegetable Oil
Raisins (Optional)
To start making these amazing granola bars we have to prepare the oats. Go ahead and put them in a medium sized bowl. I used about 5 cups of oats.

Now is time for the oil, butter and salt. Melt the butter before you put it in.

Mix all of those wonderful ingredients together. 

Make sure to preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Spread the oats out evenly on a baking sheet. The oil and butter will help those oats toast up nicely in the oven! You can leave them in the oven for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, go watch a show, play a game , or sit there and patiently watch the oats. I don't know do whatever you want! :P

Just kidding! While you are waiting you will want to get the nice sticky, gooey mixture ready. Try not to lick the spoon while making it! This amazing sticky mixture consists of three basic ingredients: honey, brown sugar, and vanilla. Melt the mixture on medium heat until its all combined.

Your oats should be out of the oven now and cooled. If not you may want to freak out and run to the oven right about now. Mix those toasted oats and raisins together if you chose to use raisins. 

Go ahead and take the sticky mixture now and mix it into the oats and raisins!

Now prepare a baking sheet lined with foil and grease it. Take that mixture and press it into the pan. Do it quick because it will start to harden a little. 

Make sure to turn the oven down to 325 degrees. Once you have done that cook the granola in the oven for about 20-25 minutes. Tick tock tick tock....Oh look the granola is ready! Let it cool then take them out and tear that foil off.

Time to cute them into bars! Yay, the fun part!!

Wallah you now have your very own granola bars! Enjoy!

I hope you have just as much fun as I did making them!

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